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With WordPress becoming one of the largest self-publishing tools on the internet, RWM WordPress designer team to assists you in developing your WordPress blogs and integrate WordPress flawlessly with your existing website


WordPress is an open source blogging platform that uses PHP coding. It is hugely popular among WordPress web developer and users due to the features and functionalities that it provides. At RWM we make maximum use of the WordPress programming features to provide effective WordPress web development solutions.

WordPress Websites Development

WordPress development is becoming very popular these days, especially among people who are desirous of hosting a great website on a limited budget. It’s a free yet effective open source web development tool that can translate your dream of hosting a user-friendly website into reality without exceeding your budget.

Themes and appearance

Like the conventional saying goes ‘first impression is the best impression’. The appearance of your site is equally important like its other features. As an experienced web designing company in Saudi Arabia, UAE, we very well understand the gravity of this fact.

Handover the control

The ease of website management is one of the greatest advantages of WordPress but it’s never easy for a novice unless someone walks him through the steps. Our WordPress Development experts in Saudi Arabia, UAE are complete guides of the tool.


WordPress is a content management system, and there are many benefits to using it for your website:

It’s easy
to install

It maintains

web interface

Easy to

Multiple users

write in it
from anywhere

minimal files
to work with

It’s as advanced
as well

The ease of
website management


Members in the team

Hardworking individuals pushing Foundry to its highest potential


Years of experience

Our team have been running well about 4 years and keep going.


Successful Projects

Projects built, designed and delivered

What they said

Testimonials 😍

We are proud of what our customers say about us and very happy to participate in building the success of their businesses

Trusted by global Partners

Join hundreds of other companies already benefiting from our solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

WordPress is a website creation tool and a powerful website content management system. It’s written in PHP and is also one of the most popular blogging engines on the web. For the B2B web designs we create, WordPress enables website owners to easily and quickly make updates on the backend of the website.


A CMS is a content management system, or web application, that enables website owners to add pages to, edit pages, and manage a website. Essentially, it’s the backend of the website where updates can be made and content can be added or deleted. A CMS gets rid of the need to edit HTML (for the most part) and upload pages through Dreamweaver or FTP.


The top 100 blogs and websites in the U.S. use WordPress and about 20% of all websites worldwide use it as well. With such a large community of WordPress users, there is also a large developer community for WP. In addition to the support community availability and the wide variety of plug-in options out there, WordPress is also an open source content management system so you don’t need to rely on a agency or freelancer to update the site.


A plugin is an existing piece of code that adds a specific functionality to a website. Plugins enable website owners to add certain features to their website above and beyond what WordPress offers. They can be free or paid, depending on the functionality and complexity.


Many of the top, websites, and even Fortune 500 companies use WordPress. Large companies using WordPress include TechCrunch, The New Yorker, BBC America, Sony Music, Best Buy, Xerox, Harvard Business Review and many others.


WordPress is updated anywhere from 4 to 8 times per year, which is more frequent than most types of software. The regular updates continually increase the security of WordPress websites and ensure the very latest version is in use.


Installing updates to your WordPress website are essential to maintaining the security of your website. In addition to fixing any issues or adding functionality, updates patch security holes. Because WordPress is so popular, a lot of hackers target it. Out-dated versions of WordPress and plugins are a security liability.


WordPress is designed to be user-friendly for non-technical users. As a CMS it enables even the most technologically challenged folks to change font sizes and colors, update navigation, add new web pages, include images, and embed video. It all depends on how WordPress is set up and how effectively the developer uses it as a CMS. To take it a step further, at Bop Design, we provide a customized website manual for every client that includes specific “how-tos” for updating the WordPress website.


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